You Know You’re a Young Professional When…

Since the nuts first sat down together and thought up the idea for this blog, we have all journeyed through the professional world, trying to find that perfect fit. From newspaper editor, to government work, to marketing, sales and public relations, we have each tried on a few different hats through the years. With every workday, there are new challenges to face, new relationships formed and so many lessons learned. Over time, professional habits tend to leak into your personal life, things like corporate jargon, organizational practices and networking skills.

Here are 10 realities you young professionals may relate to, in a nutshell…

10. You find yourself asking your friends to “regroup” on plans for the evening.

9. One email exchange with a stranger prompts you to add them on LinkedIn. Networking is a way of life.

8. No matter the setting, you can’t help but ask people to “take this offline“.

7. You send meeting notices for social gatherings, and follow-up with friends that don’t hit accept. 

6. Over weekend brunch, you utter the words “to your point…” 

5. Monday’s emails begin with: “I hope you had a great weekend!” Friday’s emails begin with: “Happy Friday!” Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday’s emails begin with: “I hope you’re well.” 

4. You start using “EOD” and “EOW” in everyday conversation. Deadlines have become a reflex. 

3. You have a group of ex-colleagues from previous jobs, with whom you have bi-monthly plans to catch up on all the office gossip. 

2. Call agendas and meeting minutes have become your bibles. You are tempted to draft similar documents for life’s logistical matters. 

1. The best of days can be completely destroyed with three simple words: “You’re over quota.” 



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