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Canada Votes 2015

While it’s not an official holiday, it is a very important day across the country today. Today is the day that Canadians get to exercise their democratic right to vote. Over the last few months, you’ve likely been inundated with messaging that is encouraging you to get out there and cast your ballot, and our blog will be no different.

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In the last Federal Election, only 61.4% of Canadians voted. And quite frankly, that’s just not good enough. Last year, Catherine wrote a post about voting in the provincial election. What she said still rings true:

Often the things you are complaining about most – traffic, construction, healthcare, employment opportunities, cost of living, daycare, etc. – are the result of someone either advocating or not advocating on your behalf…I truly feel that you lose your right to complain about the world around you if you decide not to have a say in it.”

Do some research on the party platforms and your local candidates. Consider the issues that are important to you and figure out which party lines up with your beliefs. Think about what direction you would like to see our country moving in, and who you think can lead the country in a way that would make you proud. Make a promise to participate. Make that choice…because so many people can’t and we are so lucky to be able to.

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