Spring Cleaning

Well folks, even though earlier this week I wrote about my favourite patios to go along with the summer-like weather we’ve been having, really and truly, it’s spring. And, what does one think of when spring comes to mind (besides April Showers and May flowers)? Spring cleaning. That’s right folks, it’s officially the time of year where the world tells you it’s time to kick it into high-gear and get your place in tip top shape.

I, for one, like to embrace the almost mandatory opportunity to clean-shop. Often, in the winter, we fall into a coma-like hibernation which (at least for me) results in a less-than-inspiring state of affairs in my living space. So, nuts, here are some of the spring-cleaning rules I’m going to be applying to my own apartment over the next few weeks…


Taking a cue from our fabulous fashionista, I’m going to organize my closet first. Every year, I go through my closet and dresser and sort out items that:

  • I haven’t worn since last year (excluding the odd item that I hold on to for sentimental reasons).
  • No longer fit properly.
  • Are damaged or not up to par anymore.

Excluding the damaged items, everything that is no longer working for me can help someone in need. I always take at least 2 full garbage bags of clothes a year to my Church and donate them to the less-fortunate.


While I am nowhere near the level of jewelry fanatic as Kaylee, I do have my fair share of pieces that are currently sitting in an array of places throughout my room. Taking a page out of her book, I need to sort and organize my pieces so that:

  • I actually know what I have.
  • It’s not a 30 minute struggle trying to untangle all of my necklaces every time I’m going out.


It’s always fun to try out a new beauty product, but, what happens when you don’t like it? If you’re anything like me, chances are, you put it in the back of some drawer or cabinet and never think about it again. These unused products do have expiration dates, so unless they’re still good and you have a friend who can take them off your hands, get rid of them!


It’s really easy to collect useless items over the course of a year. I, for example, have a huge collection of class-notes from school. Realistically, I’m never going to need the notes from my second-year history class again. So, my plan is to sort what I could potentially use down the road (journal articles, reference material) and organize it into a few binders that are much easier to store. This rule can apply to just about anything else – receipts, magazines, etc. Pick out what you need and organize them so that they are easy to access and store.


Once all the de-cluttering and cleaning happens, take the opportunity to pimp-your-pad. Whether you re-vamp one of your current pieces of furniture, pick up a new painting to bring some bright colour to your walls, or even just invest in some fresh flowers, treat your space to a facelift. After all your hard work, you’ll deserve it…in a nutshell.

**all images via google, pinterest and inanutshell.

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