Six Steps to Radiant Skin

It’s that time of year again, when your best friend, your co-worker, your neighbour and sometimes, even complete strangers will bombard you with tales of their upcoming travels down south.

Yes, ’tis the season of snowbirds, where literally everybody you know (or so it seems) flocks to the southern hemisphere in search of solace from this particularly nasty weather we’ve been experiencing in the great white north.

I don’t blame them one bit.

But, it’s the part when they flood home  (in droves it seems) looking bronzed and flawless that makes me seriously regret not booking time off  for myself and taking a well deserved trip. They glow from head to toe, while I look in the mirror to find a winterized face, begging for any ray of sunshine to be had.

In this dismal state, I went to the drug store and had a chat with one of the beauticians on hand. I told her I was looking for products that would give me a glow to be proud of, to help me stand tall among the bronzed babes that are my friends, co-workers and neighbours. She guided me to a few products, some of which I knew about and some I had never used before. After she applied a few different products and brands to my dull canvas I came away with 6 items that emulate that all around glow, even without an all-inclusive jaunt in the sun.


1. Clarins Instant Light Brush on Perfector:

Begin with this awesome little tool, and treat it like a concealer  Although creamy in texture, it’s extremely lightweight and leaves a barely there shimmer while providing coverage. Under-eye application creates  a fresh, open look around your eyes. Be sure to drag upwards to cheek bone and even use on brow bone. Available in three shades: light beige, pink beige, medium beige

blankfaceclarins instant light perfector brush

Clarins Instant Light Brush On Perfector $36.00

TIP: Once you’ve used the applicator, use your fingers to dab in the access and blend equally to avoid “raccoon eyes”.

2. Clarins Instant Light Complexion Perfector:

Again, a very lightweight product that manages to even out skin tone, masking uneven patches while illuminating your skin. Apply a small amount with fingertips or a foundation sponge. Available in four different shades: Rose Shimmer,  Champagne, Bronze, Gold

Clarins Instant Light Complexion Perfector $35.00

TIP: “Complexion Perfector” is a bit of a stretch as it doesn’t  completely cover blemishes.  This product is most effective when blended with your day-to-day foundation. It provides partial coverage and is best blended with a foundation or, at least, a tinted moisturizer.

3. Benefit High Beam:

This pink liquid highlighter creates a  dewy glow, especially pretty in the corner of your eyes or on brow bones.


Benefit High Beam $26.00

TIP: Dab some of the high beam above your brow line and on temples to creates an all around glow.

4. Gosh Precious Powder Pearls Glow:

I use these bronzer beads religiously and- admittedly- will forget about blush completely. But I’ve discovered that a subtle swipe of this across your cheeks, brow and nose can work beautifully (with some blush) for a healthy, natural glow.

radiant skin gosh  precious powder pearls glow

 Gosh Precious Powder Pearls $35.00

5. bareMinerals Rose Radiance:

This barely there powder adds a pretty, pink glow to your complexion. Be sure that your foundation has set before using bareMinerals  as the loose powder can easily clump on moist skin. Apply, minimally, to apples of cheeks.

radiant skin bare mineralsbareMinerals Rose Radiance $24.00


6. Gosh Pure Natural Velvet Touch Eye Liner: This is a hidden gem that I fell upon a while ago. When looking for eyeliner to illuminate or “open up” your tired eyes, often makeup gurus will direct you towards a white eyeliner. I personally find a thick line of white liner garish, so instead, opt for a nude coloured eyeliner which will subtly give the illusion of wider brighter eyes. I realize this doesn’t fall into the  “skin” category, but it definitely will help to complete the look.

radiant skin gosh pure natural velvet touch eye liner


Gosh Pure Natural Velvet Touch Eye Liner $12.00

TIP: Carefully line your top lid with this colour to make your mascara pop.

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