
Cold & Flu Season: Delicious Smoothie Remedies

Just when I thought I might have escaped the wrath of cold & flu season, it hit me this week like a ton of bricks. Luckily, I am the proud new owner of a Magic Bullet, and I have promptly become addicted to juicing everything in my produce drawer. To soothe my sore throat and boost my immune system, I sought out some delicious smoothie recipes, and I’m sharing them with you today in hopes that they help prevent and/or treat winter’s nasty symptom!

Vitamin C Immune Boost

What you need:

– A few slices of pineapple

– A handful of strawberries

– 1 carrot (or a few minis, which was all I had)

– 1/2 a peeled and cubed orange

– Juice from 1/2 a lemon

– 1/4 cup of almond milk

– 3 ice cubes

Combine, blend and enjoy! Serves 1. 


Throat Soother

What you need:

– 1 banana

– 2 cubed apples

– 1 tsp grated ginger (crucial!)

– 1/2 tsp honey

– 1/2 cup orange juice

Combine, blend and enjoy! Serves 1. 


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