The end is…here?

Well friends, inanutshell is almost a year old. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun! If you’ve been following along, you know that I’ve been working away, attempting to complete my Master’s Degree in Legal Studies. I can proudly say, that today marks the last day of my academic career. (At least, for now/the foreseeable future).

I have to say, even though I have complained about the workload and wished that I wasn’t in the library countless times over the past two years, now that it’s all ending, it’s definitely bittersweet. This program has been one of the most challenging things that I’ve ever taken on, and while I should celebrate by throwing my cares to the wind, I can’t help but feel a little bit overwhelmed.

For the past 20 years of my life, I’ve been a student. And tomorrow, that changes. That abrupt shift from ‘student’ (read: young) to ‘working’ (read: adult) is terrifying, to say the least. ‘Student’ has literally helped shape my identity for as long as I can remember.

My first, of many graduations over the years.

Luckily, I have a wonderful group of friends who have made that transition before me and have set wonderful examples. I have watched them leave the realm of academia behind and in turn, focus their time on their own interests. They’re still some of the smartest women I know, and they haven’t been to a class in years.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, that after a bit of reflection, I’ve realized that even though I’ll no longer be a student at Carleton University, I’m still going to be learning and growing, but for myself instead of someone’s syllabus. And while it’s instinctual to feel nervous when our lives change and we set off onto a new path, one aspect of our identity does not define us. Even though it’s going to take some time getting used to the fact that I’m no longer a student, it doesn’t make me a different person.

And so, to all the other young adults out there who have the same anxiety about ‘growing up’ and leaving a different part of your life behind, I’ll leave you with some home-cooked advice from my Mom: “Relax. Breathe. Things happen for a reason. And when they happen, you will always find a way to land on your feet.”

I’d also like to take this opportunity to specifically thank my family, my man and my wide circle of friends who have continued to support me over the past year, and specifically, the last few months. Your words of encouragement and your genuine interest in my work have helped me in ways that you don’t even know. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all.

This entry was posted in Friendship, Thoughts and tagged , Graduation, Graduation anxiety, growing up, , , motivational sayings, new adventures, youth by Meghan Brown. Bookmark the permalink.

About Meghan Brown

Meghan is inanutshell’s contributor who has a lot of different interests and a strong (and humorous) opinion. She will look at current events across the spectrum from pop culture to politics, touching on issues that apply to the unique position that young women occupy within our society. Slow news week? No problem. Meghan will also be dishing out her comical thoughts about everyday annoyances with her ‘Pet Peeve of the Week’. Mouth breathers and bad drivers beware; she’s always looking for her next subject. Bad Habit: Nail Biter / Favorite Food: Mashed Potatoes / Favorite Restaurant: Metropolitan Brasserie / Wine of Choice: Voga Italia Pinot Grigio / Favorite Band: Death Cab for Cutie / Favorite Song: Don’t Stop Believing / Fashion Icon: Kaylee Pare / Political Affiliation: New Democratic Party / Favorite Movie: It’s A Wonderful Life / Favorite TV Series: Grey’s Anatomy / Sport: Hockey/Football / Team: Toronto Maple Leafs/Pittsburgh Steelers / Blackberry or Iphone: Blackberry / Favorite Book: Lolita /

4 thoughts on “The end is…here?

  1. A very nice article, Reese.
    You are right on the money……….each stage of our life is a new beginning and having and maintaining friends as you move from one stage of life to another is extremely important for the overall development of the person as a whole.
    On a more personal note, Reese…… were the cutest of the cutest at your first graduation!
    Congratulations on your latest achievement……….well done, Reese!

  2. Congratulations Meghan! A brilliant accomplishment to was is sure to be a stellar adventure to come!

  3. My beautiful daughter… many ways can I share with you how proud I am of you, what an incredible achievement! The next chapter in your life is sure to be an amazing journey, get ready to a wonderful ride! Relish in your achievement, and know there will be many, many more to come…..lots of love!

  4. You’re so fabulous Meg’s. Congratulations on being done and on the journey and next steps to come!! oxo


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