Comments on: Meggo, The Eggo Fashion, Food, Music, Life. Thu, 30 Mar 2017 02:09:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Kitts Wed, 24 Aug 2011 02:26:03 +0000 Correction………. I actually said it on August 23, 2011 at 10:25 pm:
in a nutshell

By: Kevin Kitts Wed, 24 Aug 2011 02:21:12 +0000 But Reese, chocolate is so very, very good. YUMMY!
You may not like cuddling, Reese, but what about huddling ……….as in football!
Reese, what the hang does ‘crip walked like a G, on the Le Bop d floor while having a blue
bandana hailed upon her head’ mean……….and why would you slug Kate!
Uuuuummmmmmm, Reese, you and Jess were at one time ‘truly in love’!
You actually fell into the canal, Reese!
Reese, can you explain the significance of the expression ‘YOUR MOTHER IS COURAGEOUS’
and the reason you always murmur, scream or holler it in capital letters!
in a nutshell
