Oh hey, cave. It's me, Meghan.
But, since the world keeps on spinning and I don’t have any mysterious caves just around the corner, I’ve had to face this like everyone else. Luckily, I have the most wonderful friends who put up with the various emotions that are associated with a bad day, week, month… When I’ve been angry and frustrated or when I’ve been a complete mess and shed some tears, they have been there with positive thoughts, prayers, advice and support.
Sex and the City
The Babysitters Club Movie
This blast from the past is exactly how I feel about my friends. When the world is dumping on you, whether metaphorically or literally like the rain storm in this scene, sometimes you just need to be rescued by your friends.
Now and Then
And sometimes, you just need your friends to help you kick some ass!
Thelma & Louise
And well, let’s hope that I never go so far off the deep end that the deep end is a canyon. But, the best part about my friends is that I know if I had to, they’d all be ready to ride shotgun…in a nutshell.