In case you hadn’t noticed, today is February 29th – a day that only rears its head once every four years. It’s like the groundhog of the calendar, popping up here and there and (hopefully) welcoming us into Spring. I felt that we couldn’t let it go by without addressing it, I mean, it won’t be back until 2016 after all. While the logic behind leap year (the Earth’s rotation, blah, blah, blah) is all fine and dandy, the folklore that is associated to Leap Day is much more interesting.
Originating in Ireland, February 29th was considered the one day that it was appropriate for a woman to ask for a man’s hand in marriage. While this tradition is completely old fashioned and slightly ridiculous, its reputation has stuck. Leap Day is often referred to as “Sadie Hawkins Day” around the world.
While I’m definitely not suggesting that all of our female readers run out and buy engagement rings for their boyfriends (relax, boys!) I do think that leap year presents us all with the opportunity to switch things up. Sometimes we get so caught up with the ins-and-outs of everyday routine that we forget to step back and try new, different, scary and exciting things. Alter your daily routine, try something new, take a risk or a leap of faith. Besides, if it turns out to be a mistake, you won’t have to think about it for another four years… Happy leaping, nuts!
...maybe not THAT big of a leap.
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