Guess what …… we’re going to be on TV!
Ask any one of us and I’m sure we’ll all tell you, in our own way, about the many wonderful things that come out of writing this blog.
There is the obvious sense of accomplishment for every like, share or retweet – those tender moments with proud parents – seeing each other become better and more creative writers – and my personal favourite: when someone you would never expect tells you how much they love reading your posts.
As the blog grows, new opportunities come with it, which is why we couldn’t be prouder to share with you our most recent offer: a spot on CTV Ottawa Morning Live!
Couple Canada Day’s under our belt….
That’s right, the Ottawa chapter of will be appearing as a panel on the popular morning program at 8:45 a.m. on June 28! We will be weighing in on Canada Day in the Capital and exactly what you must do to fully enjoy celebrating our nation’s birth.
We could not be more excited about it and could not have gotten to the point we have reached without the tremendous support you all have shown us.

Never too far away…
We hope you’ll join us, coffees and cereal bowls in hand, next Friday, for what we can only hope is our first, but definitely not last, television appearance.
Tweet at @CTVOttMornLive about how excited you are to see @inanutshellca on the show – our beloved Toronto nuts will be all over social media sending us love from afar.
And, also, let us know what kind of topics you’d like to see us discuss in the future.
Because once we’ve made our television debut, in a nutshell, there’s really no stopping us…
Excellent!!! I’ll be watching………. Gotta love “The Nuts”!!
Can’t wait!
Congratulations ladies, I’ll be watching!!!!
Awesome, I’ll live stream in from Montreal!