As you get older, it’s inevitable that the list of things you’re going to miss from your younger years continues to grow and grow. In elementary school you start to miss bedtime stories and getting away with refusing to go anywhere unless the means of transportation was your Dad’s back or shoulders. In high school, you miss having three recesses and your mom make your lunch (with a note!). In university you start to miss living free, essays that were two pages long and having someone shake you awake in time for class.
And while I’ve coped pretty decently with all of the above thus far, I’ve made my way to another stage of my life. The working world. And while I CAN appreciate the hefty paycheque, lack of homework and post-5 pm cocktails … there is definitely a long list of things I look back on fondly from my younger years.
The biggest, of which being: TIME. OFF.
Monday marks the beginning of “reading week” for university students in Ottawa and just around the corner is March Break … so while I toil away day in and day out at my desk, it feels like the whole world is departing on vacation. Talks of Mexico, Dominican, Cuba, Florida, Greece are starting to wear away at my psyche. It’s practically all I can do from showing up to work in a bikini and creating vats of sangria in the office coffe pot.
But alas, I suppose I’ll keep my composure. And while my eyes may twitch at the phrase “I need to start packing” or “base tan” I have found my own little ways to trick my brain into thinking, I too, am just a few days away from being a beached whale on a coast somewhere, being fed grapes by a newly friended squirrel monkey. Sigh.
So for my most recent dinner party I made an appetizer that made me think of balconies, ocean waves and coronas instead of the more depressing reality of salt-stained boots, anti-freeze and shovels.
Easy-Peasy Coconut Shrimp Recipe + Sauce
– bag of approximately 24 raw shrimp, peeled
– 2 large eggs (beaten)
– 1 cup flour
– 1/2 cup shredded coconut
1 cup orange marmalade
2 tablespoons dijon mustard
1 tablespoon horseradish
SHRIMP directions
-Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
-Beat the eggs in a cereal-sized bowl
– Pour flour into another small bowl and play coconut into a third
- Take a shrimp and dip it in the following order: flour, egg, flour again, coconut. You must be a little extra agressive at the coconut stage, to make sure each shrimp gets well coated.
– Place shrimp on a non-stick baking sheet
– Repeat the process until desired quantity of shrimp is finished
Place the baking sheet in the pre-heated oven and let the shrimp bake for 10 – 12 minutes, or until golden brown. ** Note: For extra crispy shrimp, fry in a pan with a bit of oil. **
SAUCE directions
Combine marmalade, dijon and horseradish and stir well. For added sweetness, add a drop of honey. Serve together.
…And voila! Pull out the old blender, make a batch of rum-heavy daquiris, put on your best “sounds of the sea” CD and kick back with your feast. For any working gal that is chained to your desk, like I am, it will ALMOST do the trick.
Wanting this.
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