“A woman’s perfume tells more about her than her handwriting.” –Christian Dior
The thing about our sense of smell is its powerful ability to evoke a memory. Those memories can sometimes be so incredibly vivid, as if you are suddenly reliving the moment when a gust of wind carries by that familiar scent of an old country home, an ex-lover’s cologne or the sea salt air of an ocean road.
I know that every time I use Body Shop’s tangerine body cream I am taken back to my adventure on Contiki Tours where I spent many, sweaty nights by the side of a group of strangers on the French Riviera. Every time I walk into an office and catch the lingering scent of an exec bustling past wearing Hugo Boss, I am reminded of the young girl I once was, wooed by the charisma (and scent perhaps?) of a businessman. The dust that chokes me up and clouds my nostrils with the nostalgic blend of moth-ball and knit sweater takes me back to rainy nights where I sifted through vinyl at my Grandmother’s ancient townhouse in England.
It’s the sense of smell that is arguably the most evocative which brings me to share with you the decided scents of Inanutshell’s contributors. Each of us have our own,unique personality and specific scent to reflect it. Each of us find beauty in something the others may not, and that’s why a glimpse into our very different selection of signature perfumes is a great representation of who we are and more importantly . . . what we leave behind.
Kaylee wears YSL Parisienne. Although Kaylee alternates between a variety of scents, Parisienne is her ”signature”. It’s free, vivacious and powerful enough for the woman who knows what she wants, how to get it and how to keep love flourishing all the while . . . much like Miz Kay.
YSL Parisienne
Jess wears Miracle by Lancome. Miracle is a casual scent, floral and spicy, appropriate for all occasions. Jess loves it because whenever she hugs an old friend they can always recognize her familiar perfume, “You still have the same ‘Jess’ smell.”
- Miracle by Lancome
Meghan wears Echo by Davidoff . Echo is Meg’s go-to because it’s not overly fruity or musky. “I find perfumes tend to be one or the other, but this is the perfect combo”, says Meg. “It’s light and feminine with no floral scent- which I hate!” (Pet Peeve of the Week: Overbearing/Floral Perfumes in Public . . . ?)
Echo by Davidoff
Catherine still hasn’t found her staple scent , she’ll most likely be wearing whatever her most recent boyfriend picked up for her last birthday. One that she has worn on occasion is Touch of Pink by Lacoste. But more often than not, Cat is rushing out of the house and a fruity deodorant can keep this sweet, but simple gal happy.
Touch of Pink by Lacoste
I am very picky about my signature perfume, Hot Couture by Givenchy. It has a very distinctive smell which is why I have dedicated 4 years of my life to it. Hot Couture is warm and passionate with sweet raspberry nectar and magnolia. I’ve had a few ex-roomates borrow it (to my misery) with reports every time about a mutual friend telling them, “Oh! you smell like Kate.”
Hot Couture by Givenchy
Although I have stuck to my signature scent for quite some time, I do believe that change is good. So, if you can part with your perfect perf’, try to find one that is just as wonderful for every major milestone and you’ll begin to build memories that are connected to each individual scent.
One day, when you walk through the streets of your newest city and you catch a whiff of an old perfume you wore through university, you can stop. breathe it in. and smile, as it takes you back to some of your happiest moments. That’s what scents are for.