All posts in Wine
Say YES to NOvember in Ottawa
There’s been a theme on in a nutshell this week… it’s getting colder. Graced with unseasonably warm fall weather, our little corner of Canada is starting to get a bit …
Wine guide for the taster in training
It was almost two years ago when I tasted my absolute favourite wine. It was an oddball, it made me think and each sip revealed a new layer, a new …
Pairing wine with turkey: Thanksgiving Edition
White with fish, red with meat: a conformist’s take on food and wine pairings. But love of food and wine plus a little bit of knowledge does not a conformist …

Falling for The Falls: A first timer’s guide to Niagara
I would say I’m fairly well traveled. Not overly so, but I’ve been to 5 of 7 continents, climbed the Great Wall, snorkeled the Barrier Reef, surfed in the Pacific …
Looking forward to fall in Ottawa
Arguably one of the most beautiful seasons to grace the Ottawa region, Fall sometimes comes with a little bit of haste. As the days get shorter, our schedules get busier …
Canadian wine country: A glimpse into Niagara
Oh, Canada. Our wines have forever been cast aside, scoffed at and belittled. And now, even after more than a decade of producing quality wines that stand up to those …
Canada Day Beer and Wine Guide
As the weekend of our nation’s birth approaches, plans for festival goers are solidified, destination patios are reserved and rooftops are scouted for prime viewing of the fireworks. The nuts …
Holidays in Toronto: Mulling it Over
Sometimes a night out on the town is not the key to a perfect Saturday night. All you really need is a cozy, candle-lit home, a few Holiday tunes, some …
I’m dreaming of a Wine Christmas
In an exasperated state you will likely find yourself aimlessly wandering around the mall this holiday season, only to end up at the Wine Rack in hopes of finding something, anything for …
Announcing the WINNER: Ottawa Wine & Food Show tickets
Last nigh, the Ottawa nuts were especially lucky to have Jess grace the capital with her presence. A rare treat! What naturally ensued was a buffet of drinks, laughs, hot …
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