Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

Over the weekend, I was seriously channeling my domesticated side. Not only did I complete some “Pinterest Projects” that I have had flagged for a while, but I also spent some time in the kitchen trying out a few new recipes. By far, the best creation from the weekend were Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries.

New York Style Cheesecake has been a baked good that I’ve always wanted to perfect, but have been nervous to attempt. One of my all-time favourite desserts, I know that it can be a finicky recipe and it will definitely take some practice. For now, these miniature versions are a more than suitable substitute!

What you’ll need:

-Large strawberries (I used 2 pints)
-1 container of cream cheese (I used the low fat variety)
-3-4 tbsp. of Icing Sugar
-1 tsp. of Vanilla


1. Cut the tops of strawberries and core the middles. Set aside.
2. Mix together softened Cream Cheese, Icing Sugar and Vanilla. Beat until smooth.

3. Put stuffing mixture into a ziplock bag and cut the tip off to create a piping tool.
4. Squeeze a dollop of the stuffing into each strawberry.
5. Dip the top of each strawberry in Graham Cracker Crumble.

In a nutshell, these stuffed strawberries were definitely a hit when I brought them to my bookclub on Sunday evening. A cute and simple dessert that tastes like a little bite of heaven!

This entry was posted in Food, Recipes and tagged Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries, Cream Cheese Dessert, Dessert, dessert recipes, easy dessert recipes, How to make Cheesecake stuffed strawberries, , , , Strawberry Cheesecake by Meghan Brown. Bookmark the permalink.

About Meghan Brown

Meghan is inanutshell’s contributor who has a lot of different interests and a strong (and humorous) opinion. She will look at current events across the spectrum from pop culture to politics, touching on issues that apply to the unique position that young women occupy within our society. Slow news week? No problem. Meghan will also be dishing out her comical thoughts about everyday annoyances with her ‘Pet Peeve of the Week’. Mouth breathers and bad drivers beware; she’s always looking for her next subject. Bad Habit: Nail Biter / Favorite Food: Mashed Potatoes / Favorite Restaurant: Metropolitan Brasserie / Wine of Choice: Voga Italia Pinot Grigio / Favorite Band: Death Cab for Cutie / Favorite Song: Don’t Stop Believing / Fashion Icon: Kaylee Pare / Political Affiliation: New Democratic Party / Favorite Movie: It’s A Wonderful Life / Favorite TV Series: Grey’s Anatomy / Sport: Hockey/Football / Team: Toronto Maple Leafs/Pittsburgh Steelers / Blackberry or Iphone: Blackberry / Favorite Book: Lolita /

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