We party rocked… and we know it

Last night, Kate & I attended the LMFAO concert, at the Scotiabank Place, in Ottawa.

What I have to say today is, my body actually hurts from how hard we rocked. Party Rocked, that is.

I would not exactly call the electro-pop group music guru’s, but they do have one thing down pat: making tunes that are instant hits.

As a bartender in a club that plays Top 40 music, I can tell you ever since I’m In Miami B*tch hit the airwaves, a Party Rock nation was born. It’s their songs that get night crawlers jumping up and down, ordering shots and thrusting on the dfloor.  Last night, thousands of attendees at the concert, were doing the same.

As Kate noted, there were more people in attendance for LMFAO, than there was for rock icons Kings of Leon.

If you are headed to an LMFAO concert in the near future keep one thing in mind: dress up. Kate and I toyed with the idea all day before throwing caution to the wind and decking ourselves out with fluorescent tops, zebra and metallic tights, lenseless glasses, and even custom-made “Party Rock” shoes. Believing we’d be the only ones in ridiculous attire, we were ready to catch some stares. However, it happened to be, if you WEREN’T dressed up at the concert, then you were being eyed down. Almost everyone in the crowd had some sort of iconic piece of the LMFAO couture adorned.

As an inflatable Zebra got passed through the hands of those with floor seats (like us), Redfoo and SkyBlu played hit after hit off of their most recent album Sorry For Party Rocking, as well as classics like “Yes” and “Shots” off of their first album Party Rock EP, before spraying everyone in the crowd with bubbly for “Champagne Showers”.

The champagne was not the only thing that left me drenched. The show was more like an hour-long work out, leaving me happily sweating only a couple songs in. It would have been an impossible feat not to wildly throw my arms, shuffle and jump in the air.

After exiting the stage without playing their most recent hit “I’m Sexy and I know It”, the crowd roared until the pair came back on, only to strip off their pants, into Speedos, which naturally, sent everyone into a frenzy.

Shocking? No. What was shocking was the number of youngsters that were in attendance. Our crew of about 15 people were aged 22 – 28 but teenagers were everywhere. The average age seemed to get younger and younger the closer you got to the front of the stage. I would not exactly consider the content of LMFAO’s music, which centers largely around, drinking, partying, having sex and being obnoxious, as teenage appropriate material. But, then I have to remember I grew up rapping along with Eminem.

If there’s one thing the Party Rockers accomplished it was bringing us all to the same level; hands in the air, beer in hand, glasses on face, friends by side.

Maybe music genius was not witnessed last night, but great times were surely had… in a nutshell.

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About Catherine Kitts

Catherine (@catkitts) is the party girl in this bowl of nuts. After completing her journalism degree at Carleton University, Catherine now works as a reporter / editor. Though her schedule keeps her busy, she always makes time for some of her biggest passions: the arts, news, fashion, cuisine, literature and many others. You can expect her to cover a wide variety of topics, keeping her finger on the pulse of Ottawa, her hometown. As a veteran of the bar scene, Catherine will bring you to some of her favourite hot spots while providing an insider look on what the average Canadian young woman is thinking, doing, reading, and wearing. Follow her adventures as she makes her way between happy hour and the young professional life. *Bad Habit: never wanting to miss out *Favourite Food: pickles *Favourite Restaurant: Trattoria *Wine of Choice: whatever Kate is drinking *Favourite Band: (solo artist?) Justin Timberlake *Favourite Song: I'll Be Seeing You - Billie Holiday *Fashion Icon: Rachel Bilson *Political Affiliation: none *Favourite Movie: Serendipity *TV Series: The Office *Sport: Hockey *Team: Ottawa Senators *Blackberry or Iphone: Blackberry *Favorite Book: Great Expectations - Charles Dickens ** To contact Catherine write her at : [email protected]

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