Putting Your Best Face Forward

Even though we have been having unseasonably warm weather this fall, it would be naive to believe that winter is not on its way. And with cold weather comes my most frustrating beauty problem: dry, flaky, dull, winter skin.

When we’re beaten down with Arctic feeling winds every time we step out, it takes a toll on our complexion. After working at The Body Shop for 4 years, I picked up some tips and worked out a system that helps to eliminate this problem and banish winter skin, no matter how sub-zero the temperature gets!

First and foremost, trust in a 3-step DIY facial. (This goes for all you oily and combination skin types as well!) With so many options for skin care, sometimes it can be overwhelming to try to figure out what you actually need. I am a firm believer that you can get great results with 3 products: a face wash, a face scrub and a good moisturizer.

I enlist The Body Shop’s Vitamin E Cream Cleanser, Vitamin E Moisture Cream & Vitamin E Nourishing Night Cream as part of my daily regimen. Vitamin E is one of best ingredients to have in a moisturizer, as it nourishes skin and is easily absorbed. These products are recommended for normal to dry skin, and leave skin feeling silky smooth. Known as The Body Shop’s best-selling line, Vitamin E is a safe bet if you’re looking for a reliable, every-day product.

My miracle worker is their Vitamin C Facial Cleansing Polish. You know how you to take Vitamin C to help you feel better when you have a cold? The same concept applies for your skin. Camu camu berries, grown in the Peruvian Amazon are the main source of natural Vitamin C found in this product, which leaves your skin looking radiant. Additionally, this product contains Jojoba Esters as the primary exfoliant. These little guys are the perfect texture to slough off dry and dead skin. I rely on this scrub about 3 times a week to keep my skin looking it’s best.

I can’t rave enough about a simple 3-step facial. It will, undoubtably, leave your face feeling amazing. I’m telling you, it takes less than 10 minutes to use all three products and your skin will feel so nice for the rest of the day. They say that you should always put your best foot forward – well, I think that putting your best face forward will be far more beneficial…in a nutshell.

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About Meghan Brown

Meghan is inanutshell’s contributor who has a lot of different interests and a strong (and humorous) opinion. She will look at current events across the spectrum from pop culture to politics, touching on issues that apply to the unique position that young women occupy within our society. Slow news week? No problem. Meghan will also be dishing out her comical thoughts about everyday annoyances with her ‘Pet Peeve of the Week’. Mouth breathers and bad drivers beware; she’s always looking for her next subject. Bad Habit: Nail Biter / Favorite Food: Mashed Potatoes / Favorite Restaurant: Metropolitan Brasserie / Wine of Choice: Voga Italia Pinot Grigio / Favorite Band: Death Cab for Cutie / Favorite Song: Don’t Stop Believing / Fashion Icon: Kaylee Pare / Political Affiliation: New Democratic Party / Favorite Movie: It’s A Wonderful Life / Favorite TV Series: Grey’s Anatomy / Sport: Hockey/Football / Team: Toronto Maple Leafs/Pittsburgh Steelers / Blackberry or Iphone: Blackberry / Favorite Book: Lolita /

3 thoughts on “Putting Your Best Face Forward

  1. Meghan!
    This is Kelly – we used to work together at The Body Shop in Orleans YEARS AGO! and guess what?! now I do PR for The Body Shop, how can I get your e-mail address?

    • Thanks for the message! I sent you an e-mail, so I hope that you get it ! Hope to hear back from you soon! What a small world!


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