All posts tagged europe

Globe-Trotting Nutshell

As Kate wrote yesterday (beautifully might I add), I have returned from my European adventure in one piece and am happy to be back on Canadian soil. Aside from the obvious …

Keep Calm, and Travel On.

We all know that traveling is, of course, a privilege. It gives us the chance to learn about other cultures, to see the world´s beauty, to experience new things, and to …

The Hills Are Alive…

Widely recognized as the setting for The Sound of Music and the birth of Mozart, Salzburg is a gorgeous Austrian city that offers plenty more than a few overpriced tours …

Farewell To Our Fabulous Fashionista

Every now and again you meet somebody who’s just going places. I mean this in the figurative sense; in that this person won’t really ever take the backseat to going …

Backpacker’s Diary: Part 1

In 21 days, I am embarking on the adventure of a lifetime: backpacking in Europe for 3 months. Just me, my boyfriend and two bulging backpacks. While the thought of …